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Man spraying crevices

Choosing the Best Possible Exterminator

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It’s important to choose carefully whenever you decide to hire any professional to work inside your home. An exterminator should have a level of experience and knowledge as well as a previous body of work that suggests he or she does good work and remains busy within the industry. Here are some steps to take that should ensure you make the best possible choice.

Check Friends for Former Clients

In order to put together a list of a couple of exterminators to choose from for the job, ask relatives and friends for names of exterminators they have used recently and would recommend. You can also contact the local exterminator association for names of companies doing business in your neighborhood. Ads in the newspaper are also potential sources for exterminators to consider.

Meet in Person

Have you ever had a technician in your home that made you feel uncomfortable because of their unprofessional attire or attitude? The only way to avoid that happening in the future is to talk to the exterminators you are considering face to face. You’ll get an idea about their normal business practices and professional demeanor. In most cases, it won’t take long to make a connection that puts you at ease when it comes to hiring that exterminator.

Get References

Some people feel uncomfortable about asking an exterminator or other professional to provide clients that can vouch for the quality of their work. You shouldn’t. Most professionals will expect that question and will have prepared a list of former clients that won’t mind talking to you. Make sure to talk to more than one person on the list and specifically ask if they would recommend the exterminator to others today.

Ask about Chemicals

A trained exterminator should feel comfortable talking about the different chemicals he or she might use for the job and why these chemicals are safe for your family and pets. Ask also about what you and your family may be asked to do to help – such as clearing out a room or a portion of the house.

No Oral Contracts

The best way to avoid any confusion about how the exterminator plans to handle the job is to get a contract in writing. The contract should also include a time estimate for the work. If there are any important issues on your part – such as times of the day or week the work cannot take place – ask the exterminator to put that information into the contract. Finally, the contract should include a proposed price so there are no surprises when the work is done.

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