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Computers and Internet Services

Get expert advice on personal computer topics, Internet service providers, Internet services, types of Internet access and other related technical topics. From troubleshooting computer viruses to finding an affordable web host, we’ve got the tips and info you need right here.

The Bitcoin block chain is essentially a public ledger that tracks all transactions in the network. The block chain is an essential component in the Bitcoin network, as it is this infrastructure that removes any need for an intermediary, or middle man. Instead of relying on a government, bank, or other centralized organization to regulate bitcoin...

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Although Bitcoin currency offers a number of advantages (making it possible to transfer value anywhere in the world in an easy way and enabling you to stay in complete control of your money), like anything else digital these days, the system is not without security concerns. Fortunately, with a little bit of forethought and know-how,...

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As a peer to peer, decentralized digital currency, bitcoin is providing investors with unique financial opportunities and a new way to generate money. Since bitcoins are essentially “mined” using the processing power of a computer, there are a variety of smart approaches that can enable you to make money for little more investment than the...

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In order to be successful at mining bitcoins, these days you need a mix of both skill and luck. While in theory, anyone can become a miner (the software is ready to download), the mining model actually has a “difficulty” factor built into it, which means that a strategic approach is always advised. When you...

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Although Bitcoin makes moving money across the internet incredibly simple and can be an excellent investment opportunity, the system is unique and thus it’s important that you know what you are doing. As a digital currency, Bitcoin is different from fiat currencies in that no one controls it and the bitcoins instead are produced by...

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In Bitcoin transactions, bitcoins (which represent a market established value) are sent to and from Bitcoin wallets while being recorded in a public general ledger. For the event to be a transaction, something of value needs to have changed hands: for instance, a product or service in exchange for “X” number of bitcoins. Everyone in...

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Bitcoin miners are individuals who run computer systems (hardware and software) that are programmed to repeatedly calculate hashes to create a successful block and earn coins from transaction fees, along with the new coins that have been created with the block itself. A successful “hash” is analogous to a gold discovery, with all the profitability...

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Although digital wallets are becoming more and more common in mobile retail and the age of the smartphone (think Paypal), Bitcoin wallets have been developed specifically to be used with Bitcoin currency and enable you to make payments for free on an international scale. Bitcoin wallets are designed to store the private keys that you...

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Bitcoin is the world’s first decentralized digital currency, officially launched in 2009. There are several different features that differentiate bitcoin from traditional currencies: bitcoin has no government affiliation or central bank and instead is based on peer to peer technology, the payment processing is conducted through a private network of computers, every transaction is recorded...

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Launched in 2009, Bitcoin allows for Internet-based customer-to-customer transactions with a greater degree of privacy and anonymity compared to traditional credit card payments and banking interactions. Many have embraced Bitcoin for the many advantages it offers, with fast, simple transactions and minimal fees. Here’s a look at how the currency has evolved. 2007: Although it’s...

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