One thing to be aware of when you are booking rooms at hotels is the practice of credit card blocking. This is when a hotel reservations agent takes your credit or debit card number from you and effectively blocks out the total cost of your hotel room before you even arrive. This practice is done...
Vacations & Travel
If you’ve got your sights set on a nice getaway, our guides can definitely help. Learn about the perfect travel destinations, regardless of whether you want to take a short, weekend road trip or a two-month tour of the world. Then, educate yourself about the best hotels at all your favorite destinations.
Featured Vacations & Travel Articles
If you’ve been traveling and are finally arriving at your hotel after a long day, the last thing you want to do is deal with a hassle during check-in, so it’s best to arrive prepared. The first thing to pay attention to is the specific time for check-in and check-out (in most cases, check-in will...
Bellman Duties and Responsibilities A bellman is also known as a bellhop, doorman or porter. A bellman is a hotel employee primarily in charge of transporting the luggage from the car to the hotel room and back. A bellman may also load or unload luggage from the car, store luggage for the guests, help guests...