Up to 80% of pumpkin sales occur between September and December, which makes sense. Fresh pumpkins begin to ripen in September, hit their peak in October and flourish through November, so it’s hard to resist their bright color and appealing shape when they appear in grocery stores, farmers markets and farm stands. Canned pumpkin, which...
Veterinarians and Pet Care
It can be hard to spot symptoms of illness in your pet, so here are some great articles to help you know what to look for. Veterinarians can help with every kind of illness, injury, parasite or other health problem your pet may suffer. Find out why you need to protect your pet from heartworm. Find out what the common symptoms are for distemper, rabies, diabetes and other illnesses.
Within the past couple of decades, betta fish have become quite popular and can be seen in tanks in fish stores throughout the country. The fish has long, colorful fins and is a pretty hardy animal that will often live two to three years or longer in a home aquarium. Here is some additional information...
You like the idea of featuring tropical fish in your first aquarium, but you’re not sure what types of fish to get. First, remember that tropical fish may be saltwater or freshwater, so be certain to choose the type that matches your aquarium. Also, make sure the size of the fish matches your aquarium. If...
Unless you are setting up a commercial tank, chances are your saltwater tank will be 55 gallons or less. When choosing fish for your first tank, keep in mind the size of the individual fish you chose, as well as the temperament. The goal is a hardy species that is a good “community” fish. Here are...
One of the inevitabilities of owning fish is dealing with disease in your aquarium. Experts say it’s important to know your fish well – what level of energy do they normally have, how much and when do they eat and where in the aquarium do they normally stay. That way, it will be possible to...
It is important to be able to tell if one of the fish in your tank is sick because bacteria, lice and ick (also known as ich or white spot disease) can spread very quickly and soon take over the entire tank. Experts say unbalanced water is the most common cause for sick fish. Use this...
You’re aware of the studies that show that people that spend time every week watching fish in an aquarium lowered their blood pressure and reduced their levels of stress and you’ve decided to purchase a freshwater aquarium. The next step is successfully setting up your freshwater aquarium, and that’s going to require a little help....
Keep an open mind when visiting any pet store in your community. While some hobbyists have an issue with chain pet stores that doesn’t mean that you won’t find a large national store with excellent help and a good stock of fish. You may want to ask friends who have fish where they got their...
When was the last time you walked into a doctor’s office and saw a large aquarium in the middle of the waiting room? Chances are, you’ve seen that more than once. Have you ever wondered why? According to experts, watching fish swim around and engage with one another in an aquarium is not only fun...
Once you have decided to set up an aquarium, your two main choices are between a freshwater and a saltwater aquarium. Many experts agree that a freshwater aquarium is the easier choice for a beginner. In addition, because of a number of factors, it generally costs more to have a saltwater aquarium as opposed to...