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What is TV Recycling?

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TV recycling has become an important activity in protection of the environment. Because of toxic metals (lead in particular) and materials that are used in their manufacture, they can no longer be left curbside or hauled to the landfill. In fact, many landfills will refuse them. So the question becomes, “What is the best way to safely dispose of an old television?”

Donating old television sets

One route is to try donating the set to a charitable organization or thrift store, if the set still works. It is necessary to point out, however, that not every organization will accept TVs. Therefore, it is important that they are contacted first to make sure you can bring it to them. Another alternative, if the set is still working, is to contact group homes and similar groups to see if they will take the set.

Using a recycling center

The most logical location to take an old set is the local recycling center. However, these locations also have their restrictions. They may not be equipped to handle electronics like televisions, and will refuse it. Many municipalities have designated certain days of the week or month for collection of televisions, computer monitors, and other electronics for their safe disposal. A quick call to the town or city hall will provide this information and the details.

Recycling through a retailer

Most large retailers who sell electronics also have programs that accept and properly dispose of old sets. This is especially true if you purchase replacement products from them. The website of the Environmental Protection Agency has a list of retailers in any given area who are participating in this program.

In addition to retailers, television and electronics manufacturers have partnered to implement recycling programs across the country. The Electronic Manufacturers Recycling Management Company has over twenty participating members. If you visit their website, a map is available with recycling locations identified.

Pay attention to the claims of the recycling company

Not all electronics recycling companies dispose of television sets properly. There are several that simply ship them off to other locations where regulations for disposal are not in place. To make sure that your set is being properly recycled, find out if the company has signed the Electronics Recycler’s Pledge of True Stewardship. This should offer peace of mind that their TV recycling program adheres to safe and proper disposal methods.

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