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Whether it’s a natural disaster, like a hurricane, or it’s a hazardous material spill, a disease outbreak, or any kind of disaster that may befall us, it’s a good idea to be as prepared as you can be. These articles address all the different types of disasters that we may encounter and give great tips on preparedness. For more details on how to prepare for any kind of disaster, check out the U.S. Government site

It’s difficult to deny the appeal of living in an area adjacent to or surrounded by wild areas. Unfortunately, the very things that make these locations so desirable make them especially vulnerable to the threat of brush and wildfires. If you live in such a setting, it’s wise to take precautions to protect your family,...

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If you live in one of the more than 72,000 communities at risk of wildfires, you need to understand the threat and take actionable steps to protect your family, home and neighborhood. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to create fire mitigation zones. Start at your house and work your way out...

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Unfortunately, brush fires are a fact of life in the US, destroying an average of 6.4 million acres each year. In really bad years the devastation skyrockets, like in 2015 when more than 10.1 million acres burned, breaking the previous record set in 2006. If you live in a region where wildfires are common, you’ll...

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Whether you live in a region subject to brownouts or you’re simply interested in protecting your home from the hazards of ongoing voltage surges, a whole-house surge suppressor is a smart investment. Power surges can cause thousands of dollars of damage. A single lightning strike can instantly produce a burst of high voltage that travels...

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Weather is a leading cause of power outages, so generator sales skyrocket whenever a major storm threatens. They’ve helped many families survive storms with greater confidence, because the household has an alternate power source if an outage occurs. They’ve also proved to be so useful, many families take the next step and invest in whole-house standby...

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If you’ve ever lived through a power outage that lasted more than a day or two, you understand the advantages of having a backup generator as part of your household equipment. Generators come in sizes ranging from remarkably compact to quite large, and they’re generally classified in one of two ways: Portable generators are smaller,...

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Flooding puts both public and private water systems at risk, but the threat to private water wells is greater. Homes with wells are more likely to be situated in rural areas where households rely on septic systems and land is used for crops and livestock. Flood waters are likely to be more heavily contaminated with...

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If your home is even partially hit by a relatively small tornado, you may find that the damage to your home is substantial. While the professionals necessary to repair a home after a tornado strikes can vary based on the nature and extent of the damage to your home, there are a few professionals that...

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If you live in an area that sees its fair share of tornados each year, putting together your disaster preparedness kit is critical. In addition to all the normal survival items your kit should include, remember to create a list of professionals to call after a tornado. This will help to reduce the stress and...

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As with most things in life, the best way to walk away from a disaster unscathed is to put a little energy into advanced planning. Since a tornado can strike with little warning, it’s a good idea to put together a tornado disaster plan for your family and review it often to ensure that everyone...

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