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Adult female with personal trainer at gym.

What to Look for in Fitness Trainers

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Fitness trainers can help their clients reach a variety of fitness. They can introduce the beginner to the world of fitness in a safe way and they can help the experienced athlete train for races or competitions. However, like any one-on-one relationship, it’s important to find a fitness trainer who is a good fit for your personal situation. Here are some things to consider are you search through the field of fitness trainers:

  • Qualifications. Check to make sure the trainer is certified by a national fitness group. Ask about the trainer’s education and background. The more education, the better. Fitness trainers with college degrees in exercise or fitness-related fields simply have more knowledge than similar candidates who don’t have the same education. Also, most fitness experts recommend that fitness trainers should have CPR and first-aid certifications.
  • Experience. At some point, excellent fitness trainers start their careers. But if you are looking for the right fitness trainer, then it only makes sense to find one who has years in the field and has learned lessons about working with clients before working with you.
  • References. Fitness trainers who are being considered for a job should be able to offer some current and former clients as references. Talk to some of the clients to get a feel for what kind of personality the personal trainer has on the job. Some people respond well to a drill-sergeant approach while others may prefer a more laid-back personality.

Arrange for a Session with a Fitness Trainer

Don’t hire someone without getting a test drive, so to speak. Some fitness trainers may give you a free half-hour or something like that. Others will ask you to pay for a workout. Either way, you’ll learn the most about a fitness trainer by going through a workout

  • Ask about insurance, costs. When you ask about what the trainer charges, be sure to ask if there are any promotions or special rates. It isn’t unusual for fitness trainers to offer discounts for clients who agree to a group package – the more sessions or the longer the program you sign up for, the greater the chances you may get a discount. All fitness trainers should be happy to show you proof of personal liability insurance.
  • Fitness philosophy. The way that fitness trainers go about their job is different from trainer to trainer. How will the trainer help you achieve your goals? Is your input taken into account? Is the trainer able to easily explain an exercise or routine and make sure you are performing it correctly?
  • Personality. If you everything else about the trainer checks out, then this becomes perhaps the most important issues. The relationship between and fitness trainers is crucial. If the trainer seems like someone you can get along with and someone who will help you reach your fitness goals, that’s half the battle. Motivation can be a huge issue when it comes to working out, so you don’t ever want to find yourself thinking twice about a workout because you don’t particularly enjoy spending time with the fitness trainer.

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