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Furniture Cleaners for Your Business

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If you are hiring furniture cleaners for your office, you need to know that furniture cleaning is a service that is usually offered by carpet cleaners. Following is information on what furniture cleaners will do and what to consider when hiring them.

Furniture Cleaners

The obvious first thing to ask a carpet cleaning business that you are going to hire as furniture cleaners is if they do indeed clean furniture. Usually they do, as it only requires an attachment to the carpet cleaning equipment. There are also a few things to consider when hiring someone to clean your upholstery.

  • Know about the business: You should probably first ask friends who they have used and who they would recommend. You could also check with local businesses and ask who they use. You should ask the company for references, too. If you check on the Internet, you can find sites that have customer reviews. The web also has sites for national chains. You could even check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they are legitimate.
  • Beware of bargains: On a coupon, read the fine print to see what services are included, such as stain removal or deodorizing and what the definition of an average room size is. Remember that stairs and hallways are not considered as part of a room and if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Ask about the process: Is the cleaning process safe for the materials, children, and pets? How much drying time is required? You might want the company to explain the process to you, just so you know. Some newer methods need less drying time and are more hygienic.
  • Ask about insurance: Accidents happen and a good business should have insurance to cover your damage and their workers. When hiring furniture cleaners, this is an important thing to know.
  • Price and guarantees: Make sure the price is firm and you know exactly what services are included. Ask about their satisfaction guaranteed policy and if it is in writing.
  • Estimate: A phone estimate is going to be a ball park figure. That is probably sufficient if you know the company, they have a good reputation, or friends have recommended them. If not, you should have them come out and give you a written estimate.

Current methods that furniture cleaners use are low moisture, which means they dry quicker. Your upholstery should dry in a few hours if newer methods are used. Not only that, but too much moisture can go deeper into the upholstery and be a breeding ground for bacteria. With the trend towards “green” products, the cleaning agents should also be non-toxic. Some methods leave a residue that can cause the upholstery to become dirty quicker. Newer methods use less water and extract more of it. Some companies have a fabric protector included in the process.

Keeping an office environment clean and healthy will boost the morale of the workers and contribute to overall health. Having clean carpets and furniture will look and smell better, too. Now you are an informed consumer and can hire furniture cleaners that will do an efficient and thorough job.

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