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Locks and Locksmiths

All about locks and locksmiths. Need some information on the different kinds of locks and security hardware for your home? Want to know what a mortise lock is? Trying to decide if you should rekey your locks or replace them? Our experts have put together some great information that will answer your questions about locks and locksmiths.

The majority of the cars produced in the last fifteen years have had some option for keyless entry, and it’s becoming more popular all the time. But how exactly do these remote keys work? And how does it know to only open the doors on your car? The Basics Inside the key is a short...

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Active keyless entry, where a button has to be pushed, has been around for decades. Passive keyless entry, where you don’t have to push a button to unlock the car, is becoming standard on many higher model cars. Both keyless entry methods are much more convenient for drivers. With embedded chips, they also offer more...

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Garage door locks are pretty important pieces of equipment. And unfortunately, garage door locks are frequently disregarded pieces of equipment for many homeowners. More often than not, homeowners are quite content with whatever lock happens to be on their garage door at the time they purchase their house. And yet many home break-ins occur through...

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Do you have the sneaking suspicion that somebody has hacked your garage door opener code? Or maybe an unauthorized entry has eliminated any doubt about that! Either way, you’ll want to change your garage door opener code – just as you’d want to change the lock on your door if you lost your house keys....

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Is it possible that someone – a burglar, a thief, or worse – could gain entry to your home by hacking your garage door opener? The short answer is yes, it’s very possible. Not the answer you wanted, is it? But it’s the truth. Many garage door openers can be hacked. And as one man...

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Did your garage door remote control stop working? If so, it’s not exactly an end-of-the-world problem. But as life’s little annoyances go, it’s fairly high up on the list. Because now you have to get out of your car and open the door manually when you pull into the drive after a long day’s work....

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According to crime statistics, more than 1 out of every 5 homes are broken into through a ground-floor window. That makes window protect a key element in your defense against burglars. Window security locks can make it more difficult for a burglar to break into your home. Secure sash frame windows. These are among the...

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There are certain occasions when you may want to replace locks on the doors in your home. Before taking any action, the next question to answer is whether you need to replace the locks or simply rekey your existing locks. Rekeying locks is generally a cost-efficient way of getting rid of old keys and is...

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Lock rekeying is one of many services offered by locksmiths. There are a number of situations when someone might consider lock rekeying in their home. Here are some of the possibilities: Too many keys. This may sound trivial to some, but having too many keys on a keychain increasing the likelihood of eventually forgetting where...

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There are times when lock replacement may seem like the best option for a home owner. However, most security experts say that replacing an entire lock often is not necessary. Many locks can be re-keyed, offering the same security upgrade for less money. When to Consider Lock Replacement or a New Key? Moving to a...

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