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Why Use Industrial Upholstery Cleaners

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Today, many businesses are open 24/7, so cleaning upholstery and carpets can be a real dilemma. Many industrial upholstery cleaners understand that, and offer varied hours to help you keep your business looking great. That’s just one reason to use commercial upholstery cleaners in your business.

What to Look for in Commercial Upholstery Cleaners

If you have a large property, you should look for upholstery cleaners that use portable equipment, rather than truck-mounted equipment, so all your furniture can be cleaned without worrying about damage to walls, corners, and inconvenience to customers. Truck-mounted equipment uses long hoses and tubes that may not reach every area on your property. You should also look for cleaners who use a gentle agitation process rather than traditional steam cleaning. That’s because steam cleaning takes much longer to dry, and agitation is much more effective when cleaning high traffic areas. Agitation will dry in three to five hours, while steam cleaning takes much longer to fully dry. You should also ask your cleaner about residue. If the cleaning process leaves sticky residue, it will attract dirt much more quickly, and that means you’ll have to clean more often. You want a cleaning process that doesn’t leave residue to keep your furniture looking better longer.

Don’t Replace Furniture

If you have upholstery that looks like it can’t be cleaned, give your upholstery cleaner a chance, anyway. In many cases, the right cleaning process restores upholstery and makes the furniture look almost new again. Instead of replacing furniture, use a high-quality upholstery cleaner who has a good reputation to clean your furniture. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results. It also makes sense to schedule regular cleanings to maintain the appearance of your furniture’s fabric. Clean fabrics last longer, and if you add a protective coating, they’ll repel spills and stains even longer. This is especially important if you have a restaurant or other business that serves food and drink.

Industrial upholstery cleaners know what to do to protect your furniture and how to clean when its best for your needs. Hiring a professional to clean your upholstery and carpets is the best way to keep your business always looking fresh and appealing for your customers.

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