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Toenail Fungus Treatments You Can Perform at Home

Toenail Fungus Treatments You Can Perform at Home

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Toenail fungus is one of the most frustrating infections you can get, especially since it is visually unappealing and can be extremely difficult to cure. Unfortunately, this infection can begin as a simple yellow or white spot on your toenail and can progress to a nasty infection that results in discoloration and crumbling of the nail, which can be quite painful in some cases. While visiting your doctor is always the best way to go about toenail fungus treatments, it can be useful to know a few treatment options you can perform at home. Unfortunately, these may not cure severe infections, but they can help you avoid spreading the infection to other toes.

Toenail Fungus Treatments Involve Using Medicated Nail Polish

While you should never wear regular nail polish when you have toenail fungus since it can seal in the infection, some types of medicated nail polish can actually seal in the fungus with the medication. In most cases, using medicated polish for toenail fungus treatments is only effective at curing mild cases of nail fungus, but it can be a useful alternative if you only have a mild infection and cannot visit your doctor immediately. You should apply most medicated polishes twice a week for effectiveness.

Toenail Fungus Treatments Include Topical Creams and Ointments

Many over-the-counter ointments and creams are available to help you get rid of mild forms of nail fungus and can be helpful if you do not have a severe infection. However, many topical creams do not cure major infections, and you should always contact a medical professional if you experience pain in your toenails or think you may have an infection. Your doctor may prescribe prescription-strength creams or ointments in conjunction with oral antifungal medications if he or she determines you have an infection, but these are much stronger than medications you can purchase without a prescription at your local pharmacy.

If you have a fungal infection and want to explore toenail fungus treatments at home, using medicated nail polish and topical creams and ointments can help cure mild infections. However, for more severe infections, you should always seek help from your doctor, since he or she can prescribe much stronger medications than you can purchase without a prescription.

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