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Personal Injury

Looking for information on personal injury lawsuits or other related issues? None of the information here is actual legal advice, but you may find helpful definitions and explanations here that will assist you with your legal needs. If you have questions about hiring a personal injury attorney, are curious about tort law, or want to know more about structured settlements, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for right here.

In its most basic form, malpractice is where you suffer some type of harm because a professional acted in a negligent or incompetent way. While most people are familiar with medical malpractice and legal malpractice, financial malpractice is beginning to draw more attention. In order to determine whether you should bring a malpractice lawsuit against...

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When you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, it’s natural to them to pay for the financial difficulties they cause. Since insurance companies and employers are infamous for offering low-ball settlements, having an attorney on your side can help you make crucial decisions regarding your case. Once you’ve decided which personal injury attorney to...

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The concept of strict liability was developed by legal pioneers, such as Roger Traynor, to hold defendants fully culpable for torts of personal injury and make redress for plaintiffs simpler. In a strict liability case, the defendant is responsible for the event which caused injury to the plaintiff, notwithstanding so-called mitigating circumstances. For example, let’s...

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Strict liability is a legal standard that applies in certain situations when you are injured. Read on to find out the top 10 things to know about strict liability and how it affects you Strict liability is a legal standard used in some civil lawsuits: Strict liability means that if someone got hurt, the defendant...

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If a company puts out a product, that product has to be safe. If the product isn’t safe and you are injured, then you can potentially sue the company and recover for any damages you incurred. Read on for the top 10 things to know if a product injures you so you can be prepared...

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Under the law, strict liability is a legal doctrine that is understood as the standard for determining liability or fault. The standard can exist in either a civil or criminal context. Whether or not the person is actually culpable of the damage, strict liability makes it mandatory for the person to pay for the losses...

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A work injury is an accident that occurs when you are at work or engaged in a work-related activity. There are special rules associated with work injuries and with recovering monetary damages for such injuries. Read on for the top 10 things to know about a work injury. In most states, work injuries are handled...

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A wrongful death lawsuit is an action brought by the next of kin or family members of a deceased victim in a personal injury case. For instance, the spouse of a driver killed in a drunk-driving accident may bring action against the driver who caused the accident in court and claim punitive and compensatory damages....

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According to the legal definitions of personal injury in the United States, both slander and libel can be considered actionable personal injury, since both constitute defamation against character. Slander is defined as short-term defamation (mainly spoken word but gestures and sign language may also constitute slander). Libel, on the other hand, involves written (or more...

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Damages in personal injury cases come in two varieties — compensatory and punitive. With the counsel of your personal injury attorney, you should be able to get a bead on what monetary damages should be appropriate given the lost earnings, disfigurement, economic damages, or garnished wages you’ve suffered as a result of your injury. However,...

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