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how to personalize honeymoon suites

How to Personalize Honeymoon Suites

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Personalizing honeymoon suites is often left to the professionals (wedding coordinator, hotel staff, etc.), especially when the newlyweds are traveling out of town. However, when local, dressing up the honeymoon suite could be a fun way for one member of the couple to surprise the other, the attendants to shower the happy couple with a surprise, or for close friends of the couple to leave a little gift.

How to Personalize Honeymoon Suites for the Newlyweds:

  1. Start with rose petals and make a few lovely designs with them on the bed – the shape of a heart, a swan, or perhaps a key and a heart symbolizing their love. In the bathroom, leave rose petals in a smaller shape next to the sink and leading to the bathtub or Jacuzzi. It might be fun to lead a path from the bathroom to the bed, as well. Hint: Be sure to find out if the bride or the groom has seasonal allergies before embarking on this task.
  2. Purchase some of the couple’s favorite drinks/beverages and leave them already prepared in ice buckets, or in the room’s refrigerator chilled and ready for a toast. Yes, they could use room service, but this way they truly will not be disturbed unless they want to be. Hint: Don’t forget to have their toasting glasses or specially purchased wedding glasses placed in the room for them to use during their stay.
  3. Use the wedding colors as inspiration and decorate a room with dozens of balloons, streamers or yards of fabric in their chosen wedding colors. Take personalization to the utmost extreme for their wedding night. Incorporate little details into the room like flowers and candles to help the couple turn things up a notch.
  4. Leave the couple “bride” and “groom”, “bride” and “bride”, or “groom” and “groom” paraphernalia to wear while on their honeymoon. T-shirts, slippers, hats, etc., are fun examples to leave strategically placed throughout the suite, and in their closets. Hint: this is a great way to let the staff and anyone else they encounter know they’re on their honeymoon, which often leads to additional discounts.
  5. A strategically placed poem, a great picture of the happy couple, or a new custom-made sign with the couples name may all be incorporated into Honeymoon Suite Decorating 101. The couple will appreciate the thought and sentimentality and this provides them with another lasting memory to bring home with them.

Use these tips for ideas on how to personalize honeymoon suites before the big day. The newlyweds will be pleasantly surprised when they encounter such unique displays of affection.

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