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For the Investor: Foreclosures can offer some great opportunities to the real estate investor. When it’s a “buyer’s market” in real estate, and foreclosures are numerous, the discerning investor looks at all the angles to help improve his financial situation. Individual home buyers can find some amazing bargains among foreclosed homes, but it is not without pitfalls. Learning as much as you can before you buy will help you avoid the most common mistakes and maximize your profit!

For the Homeowner: If you are considering foreclosure, or you are facing some hard choices about your mortgage and you are researching your options, we have assembled the latest information with tips and advice to help. There are many resources available to the homeowner facing foreclosure, and the more facts you have at your disposal, the better. Many of your foreclosure related questions are answered here.

Foreclosure law is changing, so be careful to weigh all options before making a final decision about whether or going through with foreclosure is the right move for your family. Foreclosure is never an easy option; losing a home and finding an affordable replacement is difficult enough without the burden of trying to decipher rapidly-...

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Negotiating to avoid foreclosure can possibly help you save your home, or at least save your credit. Read on for the top 10 tips for negotiating to avoid foreclosure. Know the laws in your state: Each state has different rules for how the process of foreclosure will go. In certain states, a bank can get...

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Although the end result may be the same, there are important differences to understand when dealing with a bankruptcy foreclosure. To determine whether or not it is worth the time and effort required to pursue a specific property, it is necessary to understand how a bankruptcy foreclosure is different from other foreclosures. Timeline for Bankruptcy...

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For many struggling homeowners, it can be very traumatic to receive a foreclosure notice. Fortunately, there are still things you can do to help yourself if you receive a foreclosure notice. Read on for the top 10 things to know if you receive a foreclosure notice. You do not have to leave your home immediately:...

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On the surface, a commercial foreclosure is a lot like a regular residential real estate foreclosure except it involves a business; however, there are some differences and tips to keep in mind when thinking of investing in a commercial foreclosure. It can be beneficial to work with a foreclosure realtor when investigating commercial foreclosures for...

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The foreclosure process isn’t as simple as the bank just showing up at your door. Read on for the top 10 things to know about how foreclosure works. Foreclosure begins within 30-90 days after you have missed a mortgage payment: The exact time period varies depending on a number of factors including how aggressively your...

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The media is filled with doom and gloom surrounding foreclosure statistics and the declining real estate market. Think you’re safe? Before feeling too secure and overconfident, take time to read these frightening foreclosure statistics and other real estate-related facts for yourself: Foreclosure Statistics Fact: According to the FDIC, one out of every 200 homeowners will...

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Buying a government foreclosure is a bit different than purchasing other bank-owned properties, but with a little planning and preparation, they can save you tens of thousands from the cost of a home or investment property. Learn how to buy right in any economic situation with the government foreclosure tips below: Buying a Government Foreclosure...

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If you are in danger of having your home foreclosed on or involved in a foreclosure, you may have many questions about the foreclosure process. Read on for the answers to the top 10 questions about the foreclosure process. Should I talk to my lender during the process? Yes, you should always talk to your...

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