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Tips for Killing Bees

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An infestation of bees isn’t fun for anyone. Dealing with them yourself can be very dangerous, since you likely do not have the right training and equipment to handle a hive full of stinging bees. Since bees are very beneficial to the environment and surrounding ecosystem, it makes sense to try to remove them without killing them, but sometimes they need to be exterminated to protect yourself and your family. Either way, a professional should be consulted to make sure the job is done right.

Finding the Bees

Finding the beehive is the first step. Bees like to build their hives in several locations around your home, such as under gutters, awnings, and porches, inside the voids of walls, and even inside your attic. There are two times throughout the day that finding the hive is easiest: sunrise and sunset. During these times, the bees are either leaving the nest or returning to it.

Call in the Professionals

Exterminators who specialize in bee removal will examine the hive and see what the likelihood of keeping the bees alive is. If possible, live removal causes less problems. If the bees are killed and wax is left behind, it can melt. This can cause dry rot in walls or attract more bees.

If live removal isn’t possible, you have the choice to try killing the bees yourself or have the professional take care of it for you.


If you decide to do the job yourself, you should always wear heavy, protective clothing and approach the hive during the night. This is important because bees rest during the night and most of them are inside the hive. Depending on whether you prefer traditional pesticides or a more natural solution, there are several ways you can kill bees.


There are three main effective methods of killing bees:

  • Boric acid/borax powder
  • Soap and water
  • Aerosol insecticide

Boric Acid/Borax Powder

Boric acid is poisonous to most pests and is an excellent natural bee killer. Within days, boric acid can devastate a beehive and exterminate nearly all its inhabitants. Since borax is safe for humans, repeat applications are not dangerous or toxic. Compared to aerosol insecticide, borax is not as fast-acting at killing bees, but it is safer for the environment, safer for you to use, and does not cause any aesthetic damage to your home. (Some aerosol insecticides can damage paint or certain kinds of siding.) The most effective application for boric acid is to get some into the hive or to place it in an area where bees come and go frequently. The dust sticks to the bees and they carry it back to the hive.

Soap and Water

Soap and water has also proven an effective method for killing bees. You should approach the beehive at night with this mixture and slosh as much of the solution as you can into the hive. Repeat applications are likely necessary, so for maximum safety, only do this once per night. Like boric acid, soap and water are much safer for the environment than chemical insecticides.

Aerosol Insecticide

Though soap, water, and boric acid are safer for the environment, the most effective way of killing bees yourself is with an aerosol insecticide. The application method is the same as the other ones and involves approaching the hive at night and spraying the insecticide inside the hive. Chemical insecticides tend to degrade over time but are incredibly potent for a short amount of time, so you can avoid repeat applications.

Although it’s better to remove the bees alive if you can, the methods outlined above are effective for extermination if it’s necessary. Since dealing with bees can be dangerous, it is often best to contact a professional pest control company to get rid of the bees for you.

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