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Energy Conservation Tips for the Home

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Homeowners who take the time to practice some relatively simple energy conservation tips can save significantly on their utility bills. There are a number of different areas throughout the home where some relatively simple changes can make a big difference. Here are just a few energy conservation tips for the homeowner looking to save money:

Energy Conservation and Heating and Cooling

For the average homeowner, 43 percent of the utility bill goes to the heating and cooling of the home. This can be a significant monthly cost, particularly in larger, older homes. Here are some energy conservation tips to more efficiently heat and cool your home:

  • Thermostat control, filters. The thermostat should be set as high as possible in the summer without making it uncomfortable for your family and as low as possible in the winter. Those settings will differ by family, but most families can get used to an extra degree or two, which also can save significantly over the year on utility costs.
  • Add insulation. Check the attic, crawl spaces and exterior and basement walls for insulation. Add insulation based on R-values. Check with a heating and cooling expert for the proper R-values for your needs, based on your home and the area of the country where you live. If you are unsure, have a professional handle the installation.
  • Seal air leaks. Doors, windows and the attic are the three leading areas where air can escape, making it more costly to heat and cool a home. However, there are plenty of other areas, such as ceiling fans, exhaust fans and the flashing around your chimney. In some cases, such as doors and windows, additional caulking will provide an adequate seal. In other cases, repairs may be in order, such as new flashing surrounding the spot where your chimney breaks through your roof.

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