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Effective Head Lice Eradication Measures

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Head lice infestations have caused many a parent to stay awake nights, pulling their hair out wondering where they went wrong and trying to find the source of the problem and what measures can be taken to eliminate the pestilence from their domicile. The fact of the matter is, however, that head lice have no cause other than direct contact with a contaminated scalp or hair, or with items that have made that contact. When it is learned that head lice are, in fact, present, a rigid and methodical approach will get rid of the pests and restore normalcy to the household.

First things first when it comes to treating head lice

Those diagnosed with a head lice infestation should be treated. In addition, members of the household, especially those who may share sleeping arrangements, should also be checked for signs of contamination and receive treatment if lice are present. All treatments should begin simultaneously.

Medications that kill head lice are called pediculicides and they may also double as ovicides (egg killing). However, most OTC (over-the-counter) products are not ovicidal (these products are usually available only by prescription). This does not diminish their effectiveness, it just changes the process used in treating head lice. Regardless of the formulation, treatment will require two applications, the second taking place about ten days after the initial one.

Follow the directions on the medication exactly, and do not vary from it without a doctor’s approval. For hair that is longer than shoulder length, it may be necessary to use more than one bottle. Pay particular attention to how long the pediculicide should be left on the hair prior to rinsing, and do not use a conditioner or shampoo and conditioner combination prior to applying the medication.

If there are still a few lice crawling around, but they are moving slowly, do not reapply the medication, as some will take longer to kill. Use a fine-toothed lice comb to remove dead or dying insects.

If you cannot find any dead lice ten hours after treatment, do not retreat the scalp without approval from a healthcare professional.

Supplemental head lice treatment

In addition to application of a pediculicide, there are additional measures that can be taken. Hats, pillowcases, bed linens, clothing, and other items that were worn within two days of beginning treatment can be washed in hot water and dried on high heat. The reason for the two-day period is the head lice cannot survive longer than this without a host. In addition, head lice die when temperatures exceed 128.3°F.

For those items that cannot be laundered or dry cleaned, seal them in plastic bags for at least two weeks. Vacuuming furniture, carpeting, and bedding using HEPA-rated vacuum cleaner bags will remove detached hairs that still have nits (eggs) attached. After treatment with shampoo or lotion, the person in question should put on clean clothes and the old ones laundered. Do not share items that have come in contact with the infected person’s head until all signs of head lice have disappeared.

Grooming and hair care tools and articles should be soaked in hot water (130°F or hotter) for at least twenty minutes.

A final note

When treating for head lice, there is no need to use fumigants or powerful insecticides. These chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and cause serious health problems. Because head lice do not pose a health threat, so there is no need to panic when treating them, and creating a health hazard where one did not previously exist.

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