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Environmentally Friendly Building Materials Put a Green Face on Construction

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From sustainable wood to recycled plastic, more contractors are using environmentally friendly building materials in their construction projects.

Here are some of the more common environmentally friendly building materials.

Wood: Lumber yards now feature sustainable products produced from wood harvested in responsibly managed forests. Environmentalists certify wood as being sustainably harvested by companies that do not clear cut forests. Products manufactured with sustainability in mind will ensure that our wood supply is replenished for generations to come.

Steel: Steel framing products can replace a wide range of conventional wood construction. Steel studs do not shrink, rot, twist or crack. Steel framing is manufactured to exact specifications so there is no cutting and waste at the job site. Steel also can be recycled.

Plastic: Recycled plastic lumber is a wood-like product made from recovered plastic and other post consumer materials. This environmentally friendly building material is ideal for outdoor projects such as decks, arbors and pergolas due to its moisture resistance. Recycled plastic lumber lasts longer than wood, doesn’t splinter and requires very little maintenance.

Reclaimed lumber: Reclaimed wood is coveted by environmentally conscious builders. Wide planks are perfect for paneling or flooring. Hand hewn beams are especially popular in open loft ceiling construction.

Insulation: As an environmentally friendly building material, insulation has come a long way from the itchy fiberglass rolls of the past. Soy based spray foam insulation goes on as a liquid so the coverage is highly efficient. The installation uses only water as a blowing agent with no ozone depleting chemicals. Recycled denim can also be used as insulation – providing a new home for those old blue jeans.

Drywall: New materials in drywall cut carbon dioxide output by over 90 percent. These reductions are accomplished by eliminating heaters, dryers and burning of fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. Traditional drywall is made by mining and then curing gypsum rock in 500 degree kilns. Drywall factories produce about 20 billion pounds of greenhouse gases a year. New products congeal without heat and no mining is necessary in its production. Most are made from 85 percent recycled content and are recyclable.

Windows: Double and triple pane vinyl windows are an investment which will pay off in the long run with lower energy bills. These windows have extremely durable, strong vinyl frames that resist cracking and peeling and never need painting. The glass panes are separated by a small space that is air tight and sealed with gas to help further enhance the energy savings capabilities. The exterior pane of glass is coated with Low-E, which reflects the suns heat away from the interior of the home.

Not only are environmentally friendly building materials easier on the environment, they can also save homeowners money in the long run by increased efficiency and durability.

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