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Types of Chili Peppers

4 Most Popular Types of Chili Peppers

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If you have a love of spicy foods, you may always be on the lookout for a new spicy chili pepper to add some extra heat to your favorite dishes. While you’ll find no shortage of options in your produce section, you may not be as familiar as you’d like to be with all the offerings. Getting to know these four most popular types of chili peppers can give you an excellent place to start the next time you’re looking for a little spice.

Ghost Peppers

The current reigning champion for hottest chili pepper in the world is the ghost pepper. These peppers are so hot that India’s army has actually weaponized them. While still a rare pepper to find in the produce section, you may increasingly find ghost peppers as ingredients in salsa and hot sauces. If you are lucky enough to find this exotic pepper in your supermarket, use it sparingly. Since this pepper packs quite a punch, you can get by with only using the smallest of amounts in your dishes.

Habanero Peppers

While not quite as blisteringly hot as the ghost pepper, habanero chili peppers are the hottest pepper widely available for commercial use. As with ghost peppers, a little bit can go a long way, so use this pepper sparingly when cooking meals for people who don’t share your fondness for sweat-inducing meals. You’ll also find this pepper widely used in some of the hottest commercial salsas available in the supermarket.

Don’t let the heat factor associated with the habanero scare you away though. When used in moderation, it can be paired with honey or other sweet ingredients to give your meals just the right balance of heat and sweet.

Jalapeno Peppers

Without a doubt, jalapeno peppers are the most popular types of chili pepper used today. Whether you’re hoping to make a relatively mild pico de gallo or a spicy main dish, jalapenos can certainly be an excellent choice. They should also be easy to find no matter the season.

Just remember that the seeds are often the hottest part of any pepper. If you want the flavor of jalapeno in your dish without all the heat, removing the seeds and ribs before adding the jalapenos can help you accomplish this.

Poblano Peppers

Although poblano peppers can range from the mild the semi-hot, they are consistently milder than jalapeno peppers. They’re also larger in size than most other chili peppers, making them ideal for stuffing. In fact, these peppers are typically mild enough to roast and enjoy even if you aren’t typically a fan of spicy foods.

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