What Are Energy‐Efficient Home Appliances?

Statistics show that the average home can actually cause more air pollution than the average car. This is so because much of the energy used in homes comes from power plants, many of which burn fossil fuels to power electric generators. Burning these fossil fuels causes air pollution and contributes to smog and acid rain. Traditional home appliances can also cost you more money monthly in electric and utility bills, which can be quite frustrating if you want to reduce these costs. One of the best solutions to environmental pollution and high energy costs is energy-efficient home appliances, as these are one of the best ways to benefit the environment and can save you up to $400 per year on utility bills. When deciding whether purchasing energy-efficient home appliances is a good option for you, it can help to know some details regarding what to look for in these appliances.

Energy-efficient Home Appliances and the Energy Star Label

One of the main ways to find energy-efficient home appliances is to look for those that have the Energy Star label. This label is the symbol for energy efficiency that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy have created to help you save money and minimize air pollution. You can typically find the Energy Star logo on home appliances such as clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, and air conditioners. An appliance generally receives the Energy Star logo if it is significantly more energy-efficient than the minimum government standards, which standard testing procedures determine.

How to Select Energy-efficient Home Appliances

When choosing the most energy-efficient home appliances, one of the biggest cost-savers to keep in mind is a front-loading washing machine. While these machines are usually more expensive than top-loading washing machines that use more energy, front loaders last longer and save you significant amounts of money on utility bills over time. In addition, you can select an energy-efficient HVAC unit by searching for Energy Star models, as these are likely to function at least 14 percent more efficiently than standard units do.

When it comes to choosing energy-efficient home appliances, you should search for those that have the Energy Star label, as this guarantees they can lower your electric and utility bills over time. While energy-efficient appliances may require a bit more of an initial investment, the cost savings you receive over time usually makes this initial expenditure well worth it.