- Divorce
- Spousal SupportIt can be used as a weapon for separating a parent from their child and used as leverage for obtaining parent decision-making power, sole custody, higher awards of spousal maintenance, etc. We know this sounds horrible, but unfortunately, this happens all too often in Arizona.
- Child AbuseAlthough this factor is sometimes not afforded substantial weight without causation, it has been considered as a pivotal mitigating factor in certain cases. The Supreme Courts in Arizona has found it would be proper to look at an individual’s family history when determining mitigation. Literally, if somebody has suffered a large amount of trauma while growing up (for instance child abuse), then this can serve as a mitigating factor.
- Criminal DefenseOur criminal defense team has over 6,000+ case victories and three (3) Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization (the
- DUI/DWIFacing a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) charge can be an overwhelming and confusing experience. The legal consequences, potential impact on your life, and the complexity of the legal system often leave people wondering, “Should I get a lawyer for my DUI case?” The short answer is: yes, hiring a lawyer can significantly improve the outcome of your case. Let’s explore why.
- Traffic ViolationsMunicipal courts also handle civil traffic violations. The judges in city courts are called magistrates. The magistrates are appointed by City Councils and may or may not be attorneys. For example, a rural county might appoint a magistrate that is not an attorney.
- Sex CrimesTo order an electronic monitor or “Ankle Monitor” to be worn while a person is on release for a Sex Crime. It is mandatory to be worn by all people who are charged under ARS 13-1400 et seq.
- Fraud
- RobberyDuress is a statutory mitigator if a person was “under unusual substantial duress, although not to a degree that would constitute a defense to the prosecution.” Many times, this includes situations where younger people are told to get in a car with a group of others, and then they end up in some type of fight, robbery, burglary, or other altercation.
- BurglaryWhen you are charged with a Crimes Against Property offense, such as Burglary, Arson, Criminal Damage or Trespassing, you need an experienced team of Phoenix Defense Attorneys that will aggressively defend you in the court system. Almost every member of the Cantor Defense Team is a former City, County or State prosecutor who knows the law and knows the court system well. We offer BEYOND AGGRESSIVE defense an all jurisdictions in Arizona courts.
- White Collar CrimesPlease choose a topic below to learn more about what are Fraud, Theft and White Collar Crimes in Arizona.
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsFor both Misdemeanor and Felony Cases, Mitigation is a powerful tool in order to try to keep charges from being filed in the first place. In addition, they are also very powerful when seeking the lowest amount of Punishment during Sentencing. Mitigating Terms include Statutory and Non-Statutory factors. The statutory factors are contained in ARS 13-701...
- Drug CrimesWhen facing drug-related charges in Phoenix, Arizona, it’s crucial to understand that a skilled Phoenix drug crime attorney and Drug Lawyer can provide you with a range of legal defenses to protect your rights and advocate for your best interests. The complexity of drug crimes demands an experienced lawyer who can navigate the intricate legal landscape and challenge the prosecution’s case. Here are some common legal defenses that a knowledgeable Drug Lawyer might employ on your behalf...
- AssaultIf the case is a felony matter, then we will also file what is known as a “Restoration of Civil Rights” in an attempt to allow a Defendant to vote in the future. On some of these motions, we can also ask for the restoration of the right to bear arms (i.e., own guns). However, if the conviction involves certain types of violent crimes (such as Aggravated Assault or Sexual Misconduct) then the law does not allow a person to file for a Judgment of Guilt to be set aside. For a more definitive finding of whether your case allows you to set aside the judgment of guilt, contact our office immediately.
- MurderThe dismissal with prejudice of capital murder charges (on the eve of trial) against Lisa Randall, a grandmother and daycare provider falsely accused of killing a baby in her care.
- Probation ViolationIf a Defendant has been sentenced and is now on probation and not in custody, he/she is expected to comply with all terms of his probation. If he/she violates his/her probation (i.e., drinks alcohol; possesses a firearm; commits a new crime; fails urinalysis tests; or fails to appear when required, etc.) then the Probation Officer can file a “ Petition to Revoke Probation ”. In addition, the Probation Officer can issue an immediate “Warrant” for a Defendant’s arrest. The Defendant will be arrested and held “ Non-Bondable ” until the Probation Violation proceeding is finalized.
- HomicidePlease choose the best topic below to learn more about serious charges of Assault, Homicide and Violent Crimes in Arizona.
- Arson
- ShopliftingMisdemeanor (Definition): A misdemeanor is any crime which has a maximum punishment of up to six (6) months in the county jail. In addition, the highest fine can be $2500.00 plus additional surcharges and penalties which approach 84%. All cases which have court dates in City or Magistrate Courts are misdemeanors. Some cases which appear in Justice Courts are misdemeanors which have been cited by a Sheriff’s Deputy, Department of Public Safety Officer, Reservation or Campus Police. These usually include a first or second offense DUI, most traffic offenses, Domestic Violence offenses, Shoplifting offenses, and other minor crimes.
- Restraining OrderPer A.R.S. §13-4310, “Judicial Forfeiture Proceedings” can begin with the State asking for a Restraining Order or Injunction preventing the owner from disposing of the property. If the property was seized for forfeiture without a prior judicial determination of probable cause, then a Hearing can be scheduled upon application filed by the owner within fifteen (15) days after the Notice for Seizure for Forfeiture or actual knowledge of it (whichever is earlier). Notice of the Hearing must be served upon the Attorney for the State at least five (5) working days before the Hearing is held.
- ForgeryIf you have been charged with fraud, theft, racketeering, money laundering, robbery, forgery, extortion, false reporting, shoplifting or other white collar crimes requiring a skilled criminal defense attorney, the Cantor Defense Team is highly versed in these areas of criminal law.
- Money Laundering
- Manslaughter
- Extortion
- Hit and Run
- Severance Agreement
- Property Damage
- Auto Accidents
- Estate Planning