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Winning the Allergy Battle: Top Tips from the Immunologist

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Allergies affect millions of people worldwide, with symptoms ranging from sneezing, stuffiness, and a runny nose to persistent itchiness in the nose, roof of the mouth, throat, eyes, or ears. Allergies are triggered by allergens (such as pollen) that your immune system identifies as an invader. The immune system overreacts by producing antibodies, which cause the allergic reaction to occur. Here are 5 tips from immunologist on what you can do to get your allergy symptoms under control once and for all.

  1. Don’t forget about indoor allergens: Many people who suffer from allergies make it a point to stay inside with the windows shut when pollen counts are high, such as in the spring and fall. But most don’t realize that the air inside modern homes can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air, particularly when the home is well insulated. Allergens like dust mites, animal dander, and pollen can often be found indoors. You can control these allergens through proper ventilation, reduction of humidity, regular vacuuming, and the use of air filters.
  2. Pay attention to pollen counts: Avoiding exposure to outdoor air during times of high pollen and mold counts can help keep your symptoms in check. If your symptoms are severe, you may want to wear a pollen mask during those times when you must be outside. You can also protect yourself and keep your reaction to a minimum by taking a shower, shampooing your hair, and changing clothes as soon as you come indoors.
  3. Avoid yard work as much as possible: Either have someone else in your family do it or pay someone to do such chores as mowing lawns and raking leaves. These types of activities will only stir up pollen and molds, which can trigger a serious attack.
  4. See an immunologist: Many people whose allergy symptoms are left untreated are unaware of how much better they can feel if their allergies are properly diagnosed and managed. An immunologist will be able to conduct specific allergy tests to pinpoint what exactly it is you’re allergic to and then develop a personalized treatment plan designed to help you take an active role in your disease.
  5. Consider allergy immunotherapy: With allergy shots, you will receive regular injections given in increasing doses. This type of treatment can be highly effective in providing long term relief, as it helps your immune system become more resistant to the specific allergen, thereby lessening your symptoms as well as any need for medications.

Allergies can be miserable, which is why it’s so important to do everything possible to avoid triggers and minimize symptoms. By staying on top of your allergies, you can make sure they don’t end up running your life.

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