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Air Conditioning and Cooling

There are many options when it comes to air conditioning and these articles can help you decide on cooling options for your home. There is information on energy efficient air conditioning, cooling a small space, portable cooling, dehumidifiers and much more.

Air conditioner problems can occur at the worst possible time, in other words, right in the middle of a heat wave. No one likes to have an air conditioner fail without warning at a time like that, so it’s important to be familiar with the signs of common air conditioner problems, in order that you...

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Central air conditioning repairs can range from simple do-it-yourself solutions to complicated procedures that require the services of a trained HVAC technician. Many problems can be avoided with regular maintenance and cleaning. Periodic cleaning of the air conditioner grill and filter, for example, makes the unit more efficient at cooling. A dirty filter can build...

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As the mercury rises during the summer months so does the expense of cooling our homes. It’s easy to feel at the mercy of the utility companies when we see that monthly bill. Pay up or swelter. But there are things we can do to hang onto more of our hard earned dollars and stay...

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When it comes to properly maintaining a comfortable home and reducing energy costs, attic ventilation is essential. There are many sources of moisture in the home, from the materials used to build the home to the everyday activities family members do, such as cooking, bathing, and washing clothes. Such activities release excess moisture into the...

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Window AC repair is not a difficult thing, because these units are compact and don’t have lots of complicated parts. There are certain problems that should be addressed by a trained repair technician, but most people can handle basic window AC repair problems themselves. Typical window AC repair problems and solutions Dirty filters. Air circulates...

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Alternative air conditioning is on many people’s minds these days because of environmental concerns. Air conditioners have long been blamed for adding harmful chemicals to the environment, and although newer models are more “green” in terms of using fewer of these chemicals, many people are looking for alternative air conditioning solutions. Some alternative air conditioning...

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Spot coolers are portable air conditioning units that are designed for temporary use in a location where there is no air conditioning or inadequate air conditioning. Spot coolers are used in offices, factories, data centers, residential property, and seasonal or temporary businesses in a rental location. A typical use is in rooms with computerized equipment,...

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Split air conditioning systems are, as their name implies, split into two or more units. In the typical setup, one component is inside the building, and one is outside. First seen in Japan, split air conditioning systems are becoming more popular in other parts of the world. Many central air conditioning systems these days have...

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