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Lawn Care Tips for the St. Louis Area

Lawn Care Tips for the St. Louis Area

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Barbecue is big in St. Louis, and there’s no better venue for a perfect barbecue than a perfect green lawn. But keeping a lush lawn in the St. Louis area can sometimes be a challenge. The common types of grass struggle at different times of the year, either in the humid heat of the Missouri summer or the dry cold of winter. Follow the tips below to choose the right grass for your needs and maintain it properly.

Make the Right Grass Choice

Missouri is in the transition zone for lawn grasses, which means the choice between cool season grass types and warm season types isn’t black and white. If you’re seeding a new lawn, you should make an educated choice about which type to plant.

The two most common types of grass in the St. Louis area are tall fescue and zoysia. Tall fescue is a cool season grass that’s generally a good choice for the transition area. It tolerates moderately cold winters and moderately hot summers well, but it may go brown if it gets too hot in the summer. Zoysia is the best type of warm season grass for this area. While it grows very well in the heat of summer, it tends to go dormant and turn brown from mid fall to mid spring.


No matter which kind of grass you plant, it’s important to water properly if you want your lawn to establish itself and remain healthy. Plan to water deeply about once a week, to a depth of at least 6” down into the soil.

Keep alert for signs that your lawn might need more water than it’s getting. These include wilting, a bluish tint to the color, and slower than usual growth.


The proper mowing height depends on the type of grass in your lawn. Tall fescue needs to be kept long to stay healthy and get enough nutrients. Raise your mower blade so you’re not cutting it below a height of about 3”. Zoysia, on the other hand, should be kept shorter. Aim for a height of about 1-1.5”. If your lawn is made up of another type of grass or a blend, you can research its ideal height or ask an expert how high it should be kept.

Regardless of length, make sure you keep your mower’s blades sharp. A dull blade will tear the grass, leaving jagged edges that look brown and cause stress to the plant. Sharp blades cut cleanly so the grass stays healthier.

Although it isn’t always easy to keep a good-looking lawn in the St. Louis area, it can be done with a little time and attention. When you’re enjoying your next backyard barbecue, you’ll agree that it was worth the effort.

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