For many people who become disabled, it is a shock to find that employer provided disability insurance may cover far less than expected. By carefully investigating what types and amounts of coverage are provided, an individual can ensure they do not experience financial pain along with their disability. There are two types of disability coverage:...
Insurance Specialties
There are many different types of insurance available to meet almost every conceivable need, from boats to business liability. If you have questions about insurance specialties or want to know more about what each type covers, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for right here.
Businesses that rent or own property are responsible for that property. Commercial insurance transfers many of the risks associated with that property. Common forms of commercial insurance are similar to types of personal insurance. These include auto insurance, property insurance and liability coverage. If you own and are involved in the day to day affairs...
When you’re trying to read a new health insurance policy, it can feel as though the insurance company speaks a different language. To a degree, the insurance industry does use terminology exclusive to the field. Before you begin wading through your insurance forms, consider reviewing the top 10 health insurance terms to know to give...
Property insurance is a broad term that refers to insurance that protects your property. That can be physical property or even your identity in some cases. Property insurance comes in residential as well as commercial variations. The most common types of property insurance are: Homeowners Insurance Renters Insurance Condo Insurance Mobile Home Insurance RV Insurance...
Health insurance options can be overwhelming, from the multitude of health insurance companies to the different structures they use. Health insurance protection can be set up as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO), Preferred-Provider Organizations (PPO), Fee-for-Service, State agencies or discount plans. Policies are offered for groups and individuals. HMO’s and PPO’s are the most common health...
When most people think about long term care insurance the scene that comes to mind is an elderly person who can no longer live at home and has to enter a nursing home. This is only one of the benefits long term care insurance provides. Long term care is also not just for the elderly....
Small business insurance offers a wide variety of coverage options for business owners. A small business is one with less than $5 million in sales annually and fewer than 100 employees. Small business insurance commonly combines several types of insurance coverage together. With convenience and customizable small business insurance coverage options offered, finding the right...
When a person loses their home and its contents in a fire, they just want life to return to the way it was before. They are forced to worry about replacing possessions, repairing or rebuilding the home, and, in some cases, finding temporary accommodations. During this time, preparation for a fire claim is usually the...
Pet insurance typically covers veterinary costs if a pet is injured, ill, or in an accident. If a pet is hit by an automobile, for example, the policy will cover the vet bills associated with the injury sustained in the accident. Depending on the insurance company, there may be a payout benefit if the pet...
A casualty insurance policy exists to cover a loss that results from an accident. The most common type of casualty insurance is auto liability. Also included in the casualty insurance category is marine insurance that covers losses at sea or shipwrecks, elevator insurance, and other kinds of liability policies that protect against accidents that cause...