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Fumigate Before You Sell - House Tenting

Fumigate Before You Sell

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Regardless of the economic climate, selling a home or building quickly, and for the desired asking price, is always a challenge. One of the best ways to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace is to have the building professionally fumigated. The advantages are significant, and it is a cost that you may be able to make back at the point of sale.

Advantages to fumigating property that is for sale

When you fumigate and receive a dated receipt from the pest control company that performed the service, you have something to show potential buyers to reassure them that the building is free of termites, bed bugs, cockroaches, or other damaging insects. When competing with other properties for buyers, you are letting the buyer know he or she will not have to worry about this issue.

  • It reinforces the value of the property. With documented proof of fumigation, you are in better position to demand top dollar because you have eliminated a potential after-sale expense for the buyer.
  • All building inspectors are not equal, and some miss signs of termite infestation. By fumigating before required inspections, you and the buyer both know that pests are not present.
  • Spot treatment may not be adequate. If termites have been found, limiting treatment to the site of infestation may create a false sense of security, and there may be an even greater problem. When preparing to sell your home, whole house fumigation just makes good sense.
  • Fumigating once you have moved out is convenient, safe, and provides a protective barrier. The biggest problem people have with fumigating a structure is that no one can enter once the process begins. If you have already left your home, though, this is not an issue. In addition, there are fewer items to cover and protect. Finally, the fumigant penetrates the wood, killing any pests and leaves a protective barrier against future infestation.

If you live in an area that is at risk for infestation by wood eating pests, or there is an outbreak of bedbugs, fumigating your home before you put it on the market not only protects your investment, it makes the property more attractive to potential buyers. Your local pest control company will discuss the process with you and work within your guidelines and expectations to make sure your property does not bug anybody.

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