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Banking Online

Need information about online banking? If you have questions about opening a new account, keeping it secure, or paying your bills online, you’ll find the answers you need right here.

Online banking services can simplify many aspects of your finances. With many systems, almost all transactions, payments, and maintenance activities can be handled online. Virtually any financial account that you own can be monitored online. Current balances, payments due, deposits, withdrawals, and scheduled transactions will be displayed on an account summary page. This allows you...

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Your online banking login is the key to your accounts—both for you and for any thieves who might discover what that login is. Your bank does its part to keep your accounts safe. Follow these five tips to make sure you do your part! Choose wisely Your user ID and password should both be something...

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The convenience of online banking accounts has become a necessity for many Internet users. Last year, almost 70 million households with Internet access used online banking services. Paying bills, searching transactions and transferring money at any hour, from any location — online banking accounts have a lot to offer their customers. ControlYou can keep up...

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Let’s go through some of the major types of banking accounts out there. A high interest savings account requires that you keep a certain amount of money (called a “minimum balance”). If you withdraw more than the minimum balance calculation allows, the banking institution will charge you a fee. If, on the other hand, you...

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You know your bank offers online bill pay, but you’ve never tried it. Why take a chance on online payments? Is it really any better than writing checks and dropping them in the mail? Yes, it is! There are plenty of reasons to pay bills online, from convenience to keeping your account information more secure....

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A personal check is a slip of paper issued by a bank that allows you to make payments from your bank account to that of individuals or companies. Basically, personal checks differ from other check types is that there is no guarantee to the recipient when the check is written that the money is in...

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Online banking is a convenient and safe way to manage financial accounts from the comfort of your own home anytime day or night. The types of accounts that can be managed online are numerous, and many consumers decide to open new internet-based accounts to satisfy all of their financial needs. Investment accounts allow consumers to...

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The use of a checking account is the most common tool for consumers and businesses to manage their finances. By itself, a checking account is a necessary bank product few can function without. When you add 10 critical checking account features, your account becomes a powerful financial weapon to keep your money in line. No-fee...

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Online banking solutions help businesses save time and resources while simplifying their transactions. With online banking, a business can go from the local corner to a worldwide market easily. How can online banking help your business? Managing bank accounts online enables your accounting department to keep a closer eye on funds and transactions. Because the...

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Saving money isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. For most people, devising a savings plan that works for their budget is a personal matter full of trial and error before hitting the right combination of advice and willpower. You can gather ideas from the top 10 savings strategies to create the money saving solution that works for...

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