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Benefits of a Concrete Driveway

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A concrete driveway has long been considered a necessary addition to many housing designs. When compared to alternative driveway materials such as asphalt or stone, concrete offers numerous advantages. From functionality to design versatility, concrete delivers a complete package that makes it a great material for your home’s driveway.


There’s a reason that most roadways, bridges and parking lots are constructed from concrete. In terms of strength and long-term structural integrity, concrete is one of the most functional materials available. Whether you own a subcompact car or a large SUV, your vehicle weighs thousands of pounds. Concrete’s immense denseness and strength makes it an ideal load-bearing material. When poured correctly, concrete driveways are also highly unlikely to crack.

Enhancing Curb Appeal

Concrete driveways are no longer confined to slate gray colors and flat slab finishes. A concrete driveway can now be dyed any color imaginable to provide a unique, eye-catching addition to your home’s exterior. Additionally, concrete can be polished and textured to offer further design flexibility.

Simple Maintenance

Maintaining a concrete driveway is a relatively simple task. Generally, stains and other marks can be removed with warm water and a mild soap. For more difficult stains, you may need to scrub the driveway with dry granular cleaner. If you choose the appeal of a polished driveway, then topical sealant may need to be applied on a routine basis to protect the finish. Buffing may also be required to restore lost luster and shine.

Consider Concrete Pavers

If you like the look of brick or stone, but don’t want to pay the inflated price, then concrete brick pavers are an excellent choice for your driveway. Concrete pavers are shaped concrete tiles or bricks that can provide unique elegance to your home’s exterior. Pavers come in any number of colors, sizes and shapes. Designs can mimic traditional brick or stone if so desired.

Beyond visual appeal, pavers are also less likely to crack than a full slab concrete driveway. This is because pavers can be as much as three times as strong as poured concrete. Additionally, if a paver does crack, then it is much easier to repair than slab concrete.

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