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April Birthstones

April Birthstones

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April is the month which includes the zodiac signs Aries and Taurus. This month has a number of traditional birthstones attributed to it. These are:

Amber – this gem is made from the fossilized resin of ancient trees that are between 30 and 90 million years old. Pieces of amber often contain insects, seeds and leaves that were trapped in it as it hardened. Amber was favored as far back as the ancient Greeks and powdered amber was missed with honey and used as a cure for gout and asthma. It is said to preserve the wearer’s chastity and protect them form evil. In times gone by, sailors often burned amber to protect them from sea monsters.

Diamond – this popular gem stone may be almost any color. Yellow and colorless diamonds are the most common while blue, black, green and red diamonds are rarer and more valuable. They are found in Russia, South Africa and Arkansas. Ancient Roman warriors wore them for protection in battle. Diamonds are said to have the ability to protect the wearer from fire, poison, water and evil spirits.

Rose Quartz – this is a pale pink crystal that is found in Madagascar, India and Germany. Throughout history it has been a prominent symbol of love and beauty. It is said to balance the emotions and restore inner peace, calm aggressive feelings and to enhance the wearer’s compassion and forgiveness. It is also believed to cure depression and to help with weight loss.

Bloodstone – bloodstone has an amazing array of colors and patterns. It is found worldwide and is the name for a group of stones consisting of a microcrystalline variety of quartz. The crystals are so small they cannot be seen without a very strong magnifying lens. Bloodstone is one form of chalcedony that is usually dark green in color with red spots or swirls. Native Americans believed that this was a sacred stone and used it in many spiritual ceremonies. Bloodstone is believed to increase the wearer’s vitality and stamina and to restore emotional balance, reduce fever and eye problems.

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